If your child is ever in a fire, this book could save their life! A great storybook trip to the fire station is a wonderful experience for your little boy or girl. They read how important fire prevention and fire safety can be. At the station, they get to meet firefighters and take a tour. As we read the book, we get to look at all the fire trucks. Then we get to see and the special uniforms and equipment that firefighters use. This is when we learn about what to do if our own clothes catch on fire…â€STOP, DROP AND ROLL!â€Â Next, the firefighters talk about smoke detectors. Your child is taught to never play with matches or lighters and always give them to an adult if found. He or she will also learn to never play near gas or electric heaters, or stoves and fireplaces, as many objects such as clothing and paper catch fire very easily. They are taught how to contact the fire department, and what to do if they see or smell smoke and other valuable life-saving lessons. As well as being educational, the book can be used to store important emergency names and telephone numbers for your child to keep close to hand.
This personalized children’s book makes a great school program to be given to each child in a class visited by the local fire department.
- For Ages 3-8
- This is a quality hard-cover personalized children’s book
- Glossy Wipe-clean hard cover
- Fully illustrated color pages, Click on any book to read it.
- 36 pages
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